Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Unacceptable Attitude

Have received all the section summary feedback from the committee members except for one K. This member since last year November had not submit the meeting minute and did not carry out the duty assigned to him. In December i heard that he had tender his resignation letter. This has explained why his behaviour was so unacceptable. Today is the last orientation events and after that i'll need to submit a report but till now still pending this section feedback. Have send email to this guy and his section head but still no reply. This show that this section head does not have the necessary supervisory skill to organise and control her staff well. Have personally talk to K section head and confirm she know it. I will let this section head to settle her section internal issues before i raise my problem up to higher management.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Manpower issue

My cough has causes my left chest pain. Wanted to see doctor but i need to prepare the Wednesday events "Self Esteem Talk". All i need is to take the cough syrup to suppress the cough temporary.
Today section head has come to our workplace to discuss the manpower issue. Jean is leaving in this coming Friday and he need to find someone to replace her urgently. By looking at the time table, there is no staff available except for Mr D. which have no teaching hour except for the EIP tasks. Moreover Joey is in EIP. She will only go for maternity leave on 1 March. So he decided to put Mr D to take over Jean task temporary until the new staff is employed. Today whole day i did not see Mr D. in the office. Wonder where is he.........

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Side effect of Cod Liver Oil

After taking 3 days of the cod liver oil capsule, 2 capsules 3 times a day, i discovered that there is a side effect in my body. The most obvious one is i need to go toilet 3 - 5times a day as compared to normal 1 time per day. It is not diarrhoea but greasy stool. To confirm that the side effect is caused by the cod liver oil capsule, i stopped taking the capsules on Sat and Sunday my body system go to normal. The cough still persist and the chest pain has moved from right to left chest.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Ezylink Activation code

Afternoon i gave Mr D a piece of my mind. He always give others a look of stressful face. I told him if he does not want to do the task, L and I are willing to take over and he must take over our task/jobs. He always thought that that task is a very stressful job and no one want to take but he is wrong. Alot of us know that that job is the most relax among others. He already given alot of privilege, almost all the normal job no need to touch just to concentrate on that task. Asking other department will know that it is truth. Moreover i think nowsaday he become more and more daring and quite often he will "MIA".

Today finally receive an email from ezylink the auto top-up activation code after waiting for 4 weeks plus 2 phone complaint and 1 email complaint. Really very disappointed with the bank services. After work went to transit link office to unblock my ezylink and pay $13 for the store value and deposit. Then went to guardian to buy the cod liver oil. Quite cheap only $5.50, before went to cashier, a middle age sales woman approach me and recommend the shark oil supplement. She say it is much more better than the cod oil and can prevent cancer. Please lor, i study biology, i know that to have a good healthy body, we just need a balance diet and exercise. No need to take extra supplement, moreover that shark oil supplement cost $115. I am not that rich. These few days i will take the cod oil and hopefully it will cure my cough.

Code Liver Oil

The cough still with me, its refuse to leave even after i completed all the medicine including antibiotic that the doctor prescribe. Just now chatted with Tamgelia over msn and she is so kind to offer her secret recipe that had cured her months of cough - the cod liver oil. Thank her so much even though now she is in Thailand studying degree and yet still caring for me. I will try it and hopefully its also work on me.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Cough till chest Pain

Yesterday afternoon i cough till chest pain. I had to miss Jean Farewell Lunch cause do not want to spread the virus to the whole section. Afternoon went to see doctor, doctor examine that my lung was clear. I asked the doctor to give me cough lotion that suppress the cough not the earlier one that make me cough more. I also ask for strong antibiotic. The doctor caution that the cough lotion contain codeine and consume it when necessary. Went home take the medicine and after half an hour feel drowsiness, fall asleep very quickly. During dinner time dad wake me up if not i will continue sleep. The medicine really strong and my cough is lee or being suppress.

This morning the chest is less pianful, thanks to the medicine. Afternoon receive call from WZ asking me to go for bowling at Kim Seng Plaza at 2pm. At 130pm it was heavy rain hence SMS him indicate will be late. At 230pm reach the place and WZ and his Vietnam wife have just started to play. So i went to loan the shoe costs me $1.20 and notice that one game cost $3.90. Anthony and I waited not long to join in for WZ an his wife to finish their game. We only play one game as i have few years did not play bowling, i only score 50 points haha just pass and 3 of them score 88 points. After the game we went to Novena Square and the velocity, Not all shops are operate in Velocity. Saw one of my ex student now study in Poly doing sales in Balenco. Think she purposely do not want to see me. Never mind lor no big deal. Then Anthony suggest to go to AMK hub to see the mega NTUC there and also take dinner there. Go to AMK quite disappointed because heavy rain and the underpass and only 25% of the shops start operation. Anthony buy a Sony Ericsson M600 handphone for $500+ without contract. He has long wanted to buy that handphone.
Then we take dinner at coffeeshop and call HM who stay in AMK to meet us. After dinner we went to Jubilee and in MOS burger meet another student but she also pretend did not see me. I wonder am i really a monster to them ?

Friday, January 19, 2007

13th Month Pay

Have read a few interesting articles and would let to share.

When the British were in Singapore, they were being paid weekly & they argued that Singaporeans were actually being cheated into believing that the 13th month pay is a bonus.

Singaporeans are being paid monthly which is approximately equivalent to 4 weeks pay cause there are 4 weeks in a month. As the British were paid weekly, it worked out to the same.

You see, there are 7 days in a week. 4 weeks in a month. 12 months in a year. Then 12 months should work out to 48 weeks only. But in real life one year is 52 weeks. Hence the 13th month pay (bonus).

So, the British argued that there is in fact no bonus at all???

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Sixth Sense

Today 2 more staffs on Medical leave. The virus spread very fast. Me, the cough still disturbing me. Hai .....
I believed that every human has six sense. Today out of sudden i wanted to check my mum handphone starhub prepaid card expiry date. Then i suddenly realise that the expiry date is tomorrow. By the time i knew it is about 11pm. I quickly walk downstair to the ATM machine to top up the card. Later i start to figure out why only today i wanted to check my mum handphone. The answer could be during the last time when i top-up my mum card, the expiry date is already inside one my brain cell. So when the expiry date is nearer it will trigger a signal to alert me that need to check my mum handphone. I am really forgotten about the expiry date.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Cough and cough again

Today really very tire. Need to talk for 8 hours. It has caused my cough more worst.
Think my cough virus has spread to the department. Yesterday one staff got cough went to see doctor in the morning. Today afternoon still not well and see doctor again. The new staff also got the fever and cough. He went home early to see the doctor. Hopefully the cough virus will not spread to all the staffs.

Monday, January 15, 2007

New Staff

Today got one new colleague report work. His name is Mark Lee, not the TV joker Mark Lee. His face is much more better than the TV one. His working cubicle is just beside me. Greeted him in the afternoon 3pm because the whole morning i am having classes. Did not chat with him much as i am still not well....... cough still non stop...... think need to stop consume that cough lotion..... now cough till my lower part of my body pain.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

I hate cough

Cough cough cough non stop. I hate cough. Whenever i suffer cough disease, it will last for weeks. It has been more than one years since i get this cough again. Sian tomorrow still need to work but cough non stop, wonder how am i going to perform my job.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Body without soul

Suddenly feel aimless. Now feeling i only have body but no soul inside. There is no target, no aim now. Unlike when i was young, i set target when i was in Secondary School ->Poly - > Airforce -> University -> Work -> MSc. After MSc, i do not know what target to set. Am i feel depressed..... Not to worry, i will not commit suicide. If i wanted to, it will be during my secondary school time when i failed my exam. Maybe it is the middle age phobia whereby most of the middle age Singaporean are facing. No job security, afraid of losing job, afraid of changing job, afraid of high living standard, afraid of alot of other things. Really need to think of something if not life is really aimless and not meaningful. Last time i have less time but do lots of things. Now having more time but do less things.
Maybe its time to find a companion. Falling sick is really a terrible thing and worst if there is no one taking care of you. On the other hand, afew of my colleagues having problem in their marriage whereby they rather stay in office late than going home early. Worst is even during holiday they will go back office rather than stay at home. They will envy me as i am still single. i am really puzzle in the first place if both of them are not fall in love with each other, they should not get married. They should try to communicate more rather than hide away from the problem.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Cough non stop

Have been coughing since Monday. It getting worst and worst after the orientation activities because i am the MC needed to talk almost whole day. Tuesday afternoon that time i have lost my voice and cough non stop. After resting for an hour , i feel better. Yesterday while doing briefing to my project group, lost my voice and cough again. This morning wanted to see doctor but lesson start at 8am. Afraid unable to find someone relief, i went to work. After 2 hours i end the lesson and immediately told my supervisor i go to see doctor.
Now i am in 2 days MC. But the doctor that gave me the cough lotion make me cough worst. Even though after take the medicine, i sleep but will be waken up by the cough. Think the cough lotion is expressive type to let me cough out all the phelgm.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Activities part 2

Finally the Tuesday orientation activities are over. The activities that were planned are video show - Care, counselling talk, Video show - Dare to Dream, Motivational talk by Alvin, CCA talk by PE and concert. After the whole events, i already exhausted and sore throat. Luckily today no activities, i can take a break but my throat really dry and sore.
Thursday there will be CCA road show and lastly Friday is the game and telematch. After Friday still left one last activities , the self esteem talk by HQ counsellor. Then i need to write report, submit and plan for the next April 07 Orientation program. Very tiring.

Monday, January 08, 2007

First Day Activities

First day of the orientation activities i was quite nervous. I went to school early, book out the auditorium key, setup the laptop and printout my speech. I am the MC of the whole events. Hahaha first time, english not so good also must do, no choice. Also check with my member sthat they have printed out all the namelist and pasted on the notice board. Maybe i am inexperience, i tear out the graphic cardboard and wanted to be a display card for the new students to stand in correct rows. I was stopped and told that there are other cards available and he pasted back that cardboard. The enrolment was quite bad for MMT as only 27 names appear in each class.
At 855 i start to use the microphone to ask the student to check their names against the class and queue up accordingly. WOW first time to command 500 ++ students and staffs. like a general calling a soldier. I give a brief introduction and each department have different time slot to go into the auditorium. In auditorium, i introduce myself and show them the schedule of the activities. Next is show the corporate video then invited director, campus manager and discipline master to give a speech, total time is 1 hour and ended at 1030am . The timing control was fantastic, all on time. and allow next group of students to come in at 1045am. Quite proud of my coordination. But it is really very tire.

Friday, January 05, 2007

Chairman Duties

Yesterday i went back to work to check on the delegated duties and found that all are not doing the job well. Firstly is the AVA, have arranged the servicemen to get 3 microphones but in the end that guys did not appear. Secondly, need to loan out the PC for the speakers to present and is not ready. In the end i myself and one helpers do all the setup and checking of the AVA facilities in the auditorium.
Today go back to workplace again to call and remind all the peer motivators to report at 830am. Have called 3 classes so far they know their duties. When called the forth class, the students reply they dont know and they did not volunteer themselves for the activities. In the end, i have to use the strong word "nominated" to ask them to report at 830am. After that i double check on the setup of extra chairs in the auditorium. To my surprise, the technician told me they will setup on Monday morning. But on Monday morning all the newbies will be enetered the auditorium. They will not have time or space to do the chair arrangement. I explained to them politely and told them that all the management teams will need to be seated at 9am and it will reflect badly on their services. Luckily they listen to my explaination and complete the job by 4pm.
Lesson learnt, as a leader do not assume that all the tasks are carried out correctly. You need to constantly monitor and check on the delegated job.
Observation on why jobs are not carried out properly ? These 2 staffs that did not do the job well have a common sympton -> they both tender resignation. It reflect quite badly on their working attitude or ORD mood or simply Bochap.

Tammy Blog

Heard alot of NYP tammy story but have not seem who is this girl. Suddenly in one forum someone mention that she created a blog, Do not know is it a real tammy or tammi?

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

New Year Resolutions

This year i have not set my new year resolutions. Last year what have i achieve ?

1. Got my Master Degree Certificate but i passed the course on Dec2005..
2. Got promoted to next grade but due to promotion overdue.

That's all nothing much to mentions.

So this year what will happen ?

1. Will receive HDB letter to choose my flat due to my stay in HDB en-bloc.
2. Will move to new house. Change from 3 rooms to 4 rooms flat. Not greedy to get 5 rooms partially not enough money and secondly not much family members staying.
3. Youngest brother back from USA so that accomplish my guarantor duty.

If there is a god given me 3 wishes. I will wish

1. To be young and healthy forever.
2. To win in every match/bet.
3. The third wishes will be reserved for emergency use.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Rainbow in New Year

New Year afternoon there was a small rain pour. At 630pm, when i look at outside of the kitchen window, i saw rainbow. It had been years that i have not seem the rainbow. The rainbow was beautiful and it was also very long. Hopefully seeing the rainbow will bring me good luck for the whole year.

Monday, January 01, 2007

Watched Borat Movie

This afternoon have watched the Borat Movie at Cathay with my friend. This movie was recommended by newspaper, zaobao, that will make people laugh till stomach cramp. The movie is about Borat, the Kazakstani reporter, travels from his primitive home in Kazakhstan to the U.S. to make a documentary. On his cross-country road-trip, Borat meets real people in real situations. After watching the movie, it was quite a disappointed. It did not make me laugh much and the movie is not that great. The only lucky thing is instead of spend $9 on the ticket, i used my UOB credit card and get 12% discount.