Wednesday, January 03, 2007

New Year Resolutions

This year i have not set my new year resolutions. Last year what have i achieve ?

1. Got my Master Degree Certificate but i passed the course on Dec2005..
2. Got promoted to next grade but due to promotion overdue.

That's all nothing much to mentions.

So this year what will happen ?

1. Will receive HDB letter to choose my flat due to my stay in HDB en-bloc.
2. Will move to new house. Change from 3 rooms to 4 rooms flat. Not greedy to get 5 rooms partially not enough money and secondly not much family members staying.
3. Youngest brother back from USA so that accomplish my guarantor duty.

If there is a god given me 3 wishes. I will wish

1. To be young and healthy forever.
2. To win in every match/bet.
3. The third wishes will be reserved for emergency use.

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