Saturday, January 13, 2007

Body without soul

Suddenly feel aimless. Now feeling i only have body but no soul inside. There is no target, no aim now. Unlike when i was young, i set target when i was in Secondary School ->Poly - > Airforce -> University -> Work -> MSc. After MSc, i do not know what target to set. Am i feel depressed..... Not to worry, i will not commit suicide. If i wanted to, it will be during my secondary school time when i failed my exam. Maybe it is the middle age phobia whereby most of the middle age Singaporean are facing. No job security, afraid of losing job, afraid of changing job, afraid of high living standard, afraid of alot of other things. Really need to think of something if not life is really aimless and not meaningful. Last time i have less time but do lots of things. Now having more time but do less things.
Maybe its time to find a companion. Falling sick is really a terrible thing and worst if there is no one taking care of you. On the other hand, afew of my colleagues having problem in their marriage whereby they rather stay in office late than going home early. Worst is even during holiday they will go back office rather than stay at home. They will envy me as i am still single. i am really puzzle in the first place if both of them are not fall in love with each other, they should not get married. They should try to communicate more rather than hide away from the problem.

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