Thursday, January 11, 2007

Cough non stop

Have been coughing since Monday. It getting worst and worst after the orientation activities because i am the MC needed to talk almost whole day. Tuesday afternoon that time i have lost my voice and cough non stop. After resting for an hour , i feel better. Yesterday while doing briefing to my project group, lost my voice and cough again. This morning wanted to see doctor but lesson start at 8am. Afraid unable to find someone relief, i went to work. After 2 hours i end the lesson and immediately told my supervisor i go to see doctor.
Now i am in 2 days MC. But the doctor that gave me the cough lotion make me cough worst. Even though after take the medicine, i sleep but will be waken up by the cough. Think the cough lotion is expressive type to let me cough out all the phelgm.

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