Saturday, January 20, 2007

Cough till chest Pain

Yesterday afternoon i cough till chest pain. I had to miss Jean Farewell Lunch cause do not want to spread the virus to the whole section. Afternoon went to see doctor, doctor examine that my lung was clear. I asked the doctor to give me cough lotion that suppress the cough not the earlier one that make me cough more. I also ask for strong antibiotic. The doctor caution that the cough lotion contain codeine and consume it when necessary. Went home take the medicine and after half an hour feel drowsiness, fall asleep very quickly. During dinner time dad wake me up if not i will continue sleep. The medicine really strong and my cough is lee or being suppress.

This morning the chest is less pianful, thanks to the medicine. Afternoon receive call from WZ asking me to go for bowling at Kim Seng Plaza at 2pm. At 130pm it was heavy rain hence SMS him indicate will be late. At 230pm reach the place and WZ and his Vietnam wife have just started to play. So i went to loan the shoe costs me $1.20 and notice that one game cost $3.90. Anthony and I waited not long to join in for WZ an his wife to finish their game. We only play one game as i have few years did not play bowling, i only score 50 points haha just pass and 3 of them score 88 points. After the game we went to Novena Square and the velocity, Not all shops are operate in Velocity. Saw one of my ex student now study in Poly doing sales in Balenco. Think she purposely do not want to see me. Never mind lor no big deal. Then Anthony suggest to go to AMK hub to see the mega NTUC there and also take dinner there. Go to AMK quite disappointed because heavy rain and the underpass and only 25% of the shops start operation. Anthony buy a Sony Ericsson M600 handphone for $500+ without contract. He has long wanted to buy that handphone.
Then we take dinner at coffeeshop and call HM who stay in AMK to meet us. After dinner we went to Jubilee and in MOS burger meet another student but she also pretend did not see me. I wonder am i really a monster to them ?

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