Monday, January 08, 2007

First Day Activities

First day of the orientation activities i was quite nervous. I went to school early, book out the auditorium key, setup the laptop and printout my speech. I am the MC of the whole events. Hahaha first time, english not so good also must do, no choice. Also check with my member sthat they have printed out all the namelist and pasted on the notice board. Maybe i am inexperience, i tear out the graphic cardboard and wanted to be a display card for the new students to stand in correct rows. I was stopped and told that there are other cards available and he pasted back that cardboard. The enrolment was quite bad for MMT as only 27 names appear in each class.
At 855 i start to use the microphone to ask the student to check their names against the class and queue up accordingly. WOW first time to command 500 ++ students and staffs. like a general calling a soldier. I give a brief introduction and each department have different time slot to go into the auditorium. In auditorium, i introduce myself and show them the schedule of the activities. Next is show the corporate video then invited director, campus manager and discipline master to give a speech, total time is 1 hour and ended at 1030am . The timing control was fantastic, all on time. and allow next group of students to come in at 1045am. Quite proud of my coordination. But it is really very tire.

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