Friday, March 30, 2007

Today become Actor

Today i become actor. I act as a blind man walking down the staircase and knocked by a group of students. Only one student is willing to help the blind man walk down the stairs. The shooting started at 11am ended at 3pm. Quite alot of shooting retake. Lunch skipped and in the end only having tea break at 330pm. Around 5pm, started to headache, this is the symptom of irregular meal time. I cannot skip meal if not i will headache and feel uneasy.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

How much you worth ?

Suddenly remember one of my friend stated a theory which is quite true. How much you worth ? Imagine that there is a man/woman wanted to ask you out for one night or ask you to betray your friend/company/family or some immoral things and willing to pay $500 ?
Will u accept ?
No ?
Then $1000 ?
No ?
$5000 ?
or even so much money that u can no need to work for life ?
Will you still reject ?
You may still reject but after that you think back, will you regret for not accepting the offer ?
That the price you worth if u feel regret for not accept. Everyone deep inside their heart got a price tag with them. It explain why there are so many news between the stars and rich man.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Today Course

Attended the SQL course but in the end found out that i do not have the right to access the real production database table. What an ironic.

Monday, March 26, 2007

Today 27th ?

This morning wake up as usual, take breakfast, read newspaper and at around 815am go out home and take public transport to HQ to attend courses that started at 9am. When reached HQ, i started to look for the venue. In HQ there are only 2 rooms occupied with PC which located at 2nd and 3rd floor. I have looked for the whole building but did not see any instructor and trainees around. By then it is 855am. I start to panic. I quickly rush to the resource center and login into my email to look at the email that contain course information. Finally i manage to locate the email and read carefully. It stated that the course commence on 27 to 28 Mar Tue to Wed, 9am to 5pm. Finally i realise it was my mistake to think that today is 27 Mar. How careless am i. Then went to bus stop to wait for the bus. Today really unlucky, i waited for 40 mins then the bus arrived.

Friday, March 23, 2007

Traffic Accident Again

Whenever i read newspaper on bike accident, i was so worried for all my friends that ride bike to work or to study and hopefully their names is not there. Today another news on bike accident near Thomson and the rider died. I remember when i was a aircraft technician, one of my colleague had met an accident with a lorry/ truck when he ride bike to work. He was immediately send to hospital. Due to he was seriously injure and need lots of blood transfusion that almost use up all the hospital blood bank. All of his friend including i which is underweight went to the hospital to donate blood to save his life. Luckily our effort are not wasted, his life was saved but he become handicap. His leg and arm all arm with metal. He cannot do exercise anymore. As for me, after the blood donation, my whole body not pain but "sour". Have seen doctor but unable to know the causes. Finally went to see Chinese doctor and know that i am not suitable to donate blood instead others should donate blood to me. The body "sourness" lasted about a month then my body recover.

Thursday, March 22, 2007


How to not feel lonely when alone ?
Alot of friends and relatives have asked me when don't find a partner ? But they should know that alot of things are depend on fate.
Being single, i can simply play computer game, read books, msn, watch TV on my own without afraiding disturb others. I dont care what is happening outside of the house.
Being single, i am carefree, everywhere can be my home and can also not my home. Home to a single is just a place for resting. When not feeling good, i can just pack and go to look for another place without the need to say goodbye or give reasons to explain to anyone.
Being single i can have the right to love anyone and don't love anyone. Any different in love or not love ? Sometime you will feel that you get hurt easily when falling in love. To a lazy people love need alot of energy and time to maintain. Why not when feel boring just watch TV, reading books or window shopping which is more relaxing.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Poly Fees

Today i take a look at our GTA the polytechnic enrolment notices and know that the semester fees is about $1200 which is after deduction of the government tuition grant. Then they are also required to buy a laptop which costs between $1400 to $1950. That is quite expensive for the lower income group. They may not have the abilities to forge out such a big sum of money. I advised them to get some help from their MP if they need immediate help or apply the bursary from the poly and taking study loan from the bank if they are able to pay for the first semester fees.
By taking this example, i advised my own class students to start saving the money for their further education and not anyhow spending money in the unnecessary things eg. magazine, latest handphone, rings etc. Not all parents can afford to send in their child to study in tertiary education as it will added the burden to their existing tight budget.
The question is will these students listen to my advise ? As they are still quite young, they do not know the hardship of earning the money. I wondering is there any generation gap between me and them as in my generation, we save the money for the future. In case there is any unforeseen circumstances, i still got money to solve the unexpected hiccup. In the newer generation, they will most likely spend all the money that they have in their pocket. They do not prepare for the future. Anything happen they just get help from their parents.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007


Today intended to use one of the trainee recorded voice in doing the labsheet 8.The reasons why i chosen the female recorded voice are the recorde voice is short, clear and funny. This female student refuses but i insisted. In the end she cried and i had no choice but to choose others which are longer one. To me, the institution is a training ground to train trainee not only the academic or technical skill but also some social skill. In the real world if the boss wanted the thing to be done in his ways, the employees have to obey. There is no reason to reject or even thinking that crying can solve the problem.

Friday, March 16, 2007

10 of the best credit cards to own

Been curious which are the 10 best credit card to own. Type in the title in the google search and manage to find and read it.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Activation of credit card

I have activate the credit card as it waive the 5 years Annual Fee. At the same time i called the customer service officer to cancel my DBS Visa and DBS american express black card as the annual fees charge is in these few months. i do not like to hold too many cards as it make my wallet very big and difficult to put inside my pocket.

POSB Everyday Credit Card

I did not apply for the POSB Everyday Credit Card but i received the card from the Bank. This show that how aggressive the DBS credit card marketing and they are aiming to become the leading credit card issuer in Singapore. Currently the leading credit card issuer is UOB. Below is the letter that the DBS send it to me.

Dear Value Customer,

We are always finding ways to enhance your experience with POSB by giving you the best deals in town. That's why we've specially prepared the POSB Everyday Credit Card just for you.

The POSB Everyday Credit Card has been recently featured in The Sunday Times (8 october 2006) articl "10 of the best credit cards to own", where Mr Leong Sze Hian, president of the Society of Financial Services Professionals, is reported to have said that the POSB Everyday Credit Card is one of his favourites.

With the POSB Everday Credit Card, you earn cash rebates of up to 20% on all your daily expenses such as petrol, utilities, groceries, and mobile bills. What's more, you can use all the rebates earned to offset your bills instantly.

You'll find the new POSB Everyday Credit Card enclosed with this letter. However, the card has not been activated yet. To accept and start enjoying all the priviledges, simply visit any DBS/POSB ATM (locations listed on and follow the steps listed on the right-hand bar.

If you have an internet banking account with us, do note that the new card will be listed under your account when you log in. This is for your convenience and to facilitate the immediate use of the card should you decide to activate it. But dont worry, nothing can be charged to it, if you have not activated the card. rest assured, the security of your account is of the utmost importance to us.

Naturally, you're under no obligation to accept this offer, and need not take any action if you choose to decline. For enquiries, please call 1800 339 6666 to speak with our Customer Service Officers anytime.

Yours sincerely,

Raymond Ang
Managing Director &
Chief Operating Officer
Regional Consumer Banking Group

Then the attched card folder also got the following statement :

Activate your card now. Visit any DBS/POSB ATM and activate your card by 2 May 07, failing which the card will be cancelled automatically.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Top 20% SMU pay

Just watched channel U news reporting that the Top 20% of SMU graduate average starting pay is $4630. That is a very high pay. Most of my NTU friends graduate in year 2000 and work till now still cannot such high pay.

Monday, March 12, 2007

2007 Adobe Design Achievement Awards

The 2007 Adobe Design Achievement Awards competition is open to students to participate and showcase their work. Have seem their past year Award winner. All are fantastic.

Sunday, March 11, 2007


Today suppose wanted to go IT show in Suntec but from the newspaper knew that it was very crowded and drop the idea.

Steven asked me to go geyland to eat stink toufu but last time i had taken before causes diarrhoea so i rejected it. In the evening went to Sakae Sushi located at Park Mall to take my dinner. There is an ideal place to eat causes not much customer and no need to wait and queue. Ordered 1 Gindara Kaminabe, 1 green tea and 2 colour plate costs me $22.75. Quite expensive.

After dinner i went to Cathay to watch the movie 300. Quite a nice show and i am a person that love to watch the war movie. Maybe i like to dream to be an hero.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Vibration cause by Earthquake

Today at around 11+, in C111, i feel there is some vibration on my chair for less than 5 seconds. It was like the handphone vibrate in the silent mode. Late someone send the email to me that there was an earthquake in Indonesia affect Singapore. This is my first time encounter with the earthquake.

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Porridge and Dessert

Today went out with Anthony to Chinatown. He wanted to pray TaiXuai to help him in his luck. We went to the BaoChi Temple at 6pm but the priest stop work at 5pm. So he will need to go back the temple tomorrow.
Then we having our dinner at Chang Cheng to eat the famous porridge there. After the dinner we have the dessert at the famous outlet opposite the Mcdonald. Today i am really lucky to be able to eat the 2 famous dishes in the chinatown which in normal day i do not have a chance due to long queue.