Monday, March 26, 2007

Today 27th ?

This morning wake up as usual, take breakfast, read newspaper and at around 815am go out home and take public transport to HQ to attend courses that started at 9am. When reached HQ, i started to look for the venue. In HQ there are only 2 rooms occupied with PC which located at 2nd and 3rd floor. I have looked for the whole building but did not see any instructor and trainees around. By then it is 855am. I start to panic. I quickly rush to the resource center and login into my email to look at the email that contain course information. Finally i manage to locate the email and read carefully. It stated that the course commence on 27 to 28 Mar Tue to Wed, 9am to 5pm. Finally i realise it was my mistake to think that today is 27 Mar. How careless am i. Then went to bus stop to wait for the bus. Today really unlucky, i waited for 40 mins then the bus arrived.

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