Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Echocardiogram Check

I went to Lifeline Heart Centre to do my Echocardiogram Check. The counter staff asked me to fill in the form, and do the preparation-  blood pressure check, weight and height check. After all the check, went into the room, take off clothes and lay on the bed. Doctor Jayaram Lingamanaicker came and do the check for me. He is very friendly and would explained the finding to me. I did not tell him what has happened to my heart and he already asked me is it related to mitral valve prolapse (MVP). As in the screen he able to see the valve and blood movement. He also say that the health insurance company will be relundance to insured if they know that the person has mitral valve prolapse.I told him that I am appealing to insurance company on my MVP case. He has done a thorough check on my heart and conclude that my MVP is trivial. To him, he will treat it as normal and no further treatment needed. All my other heart structure, valve , pressure are normal. He written a report on the finding and I send the necessary document to NTUC Income and waiting for their reply on my appeal.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

NTUC Incomeshield Appeal - additional Information Required

After sending my appeal to NTUC Income,  few days later received below letter from NTUC Income

Dear Policyholder


Thank you for your appeal for Enhanced Preferred and Plus Rider

We would appreciate if you could provide the following information:

1) Supplementary Health Questionnaire on mitral valve prolapse
2) Please submit latest echocardiogram done within last 1 year.
Note: Decision depends on the findings of the report.

(Please do NOT submit original copy of medical report/test result. We only need a clear photocopy)

(For internal ref: XX/XX/XX)

Please not that should you undergo any of the above test(s), or obtain the above report(s) from the hospital(s) and/or clinic(s), the cost of the medical report(s) and the test(s) will be at your own expense.

We have enclosed a self-addressed envelop for your convenience. If we do not hear from you by xx xx xxxx, we will proceed to withdraw your appeal request.

If you have any queries, please call our Customer Service Officers at 63321133 or email We would be most happy to assist you.

Yours sincerely,

Christabel Chang
Group & Health 

After received this letter, I have only 10 days left to get my medical report. I neele to search a clinic that able to do the echocardiogram and can get the report fast. I search through internet and most of them are in hospital.

Suddenly I browse through TCC website and found

TCC Heart Check Up for Members by 

Lifeline Heart Centre located at Mt Elizabeth Medical Centre.

So I called and found that they able to do the check. The report  will be available after .the test. The appointment date is next day morning.

Friday, October 25, 2013

NTUC Enhance Incomeshield Plan

When I decided to upgrade my Incomeshield Plan B to NTUC Enhance Incomeshield Plan - Preferred in 1 April 2009, I received a letter as follow

It is hereby agreed and declared that with effect from 01-04-2009, the following provision shall apply to this policy

For plicy number : 90xxxxxx, the benefits under Incomeshield and Incomeshield Plus Rider shall not be operative in the event of a claim for costs of treatment, medical advice, hospitalisation, relating to and/or arising out of




All other terms and conditions remain unchanged.

Countersigned by : _______________    _______________
                             Authorised Officer       Tan Sue Chieh
                                                                Chief Executive

When received this letter, I was disappointed and also feeling unfair. Disappointed as the National heart centre that diagnose I have Mitral Valve prolapse trivial had discharged me with no follow-up check-up or appointment needed. No treatment required then why should NTUC income exclude the heart condition in my policy?
Unfair - I am paying the same premium as other policy insurer but cover less, then why should I pay same but get less?

This year I go for medical check-up and the result is very good. So I decide to appeal for my incomeshield with my medical report and wait for their reply.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Get rebate while using MRT and LRT

Insinc - Incentive for Singapore's Commuters let you win cash while traveling with MRT and LRT. For more details please click the link -

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

10 Things you did not know about Singapore

Quite interesting things to know more about Singapore.
10 things you didn't know about Singapore - Static Infographic
Courtesy of: Infographics.SG

Tuesday, October 01, 2013

Jetstar Price in Desktop and Mobile Version

Intent to book a air ticket from Singapore to Malaysia Kuala Lumpur and found there is a price different in normal

and Wonder why there is different of $30? Actually there is no different. The mobile version already included all the tax eg airport tax and fuel tax etc while the desktop version only indicate the air ticket price. In the overall price, both of them will be the same.