Friday, July 12, 2013

Solopreneurs to Entrepreneur

As more and more people achieve high education level and changes in the business environment, most of young generation and graduate have become freelancer. As a freelancer, they are their own boss, they manage their own time, financial planning, marketing and promotion. A new term has been evolve as solopreneurs which can also refer to the freelancer. Can solopreneurs become entrepreneur? It depend on the service and product that being offer. If it is only the skill eg mobile programming, web development skill that provide to a company that need it, then they will not be able to become entrepreneur. Entrepreneurs are the creators and builders  of the new ventures. The keyword to entrepreneur are innovative and risk taker. If it is just to provide services to others then it is only consider as service provider. Entrepreneur can start from solopreneur so as to gain experience,to know the market momentum and needs and able to identify when and how to seize opportunities that come with change. As start from freelancer, they need not own a business and risk their personal capital. But when it evolve they need additional skill such as business planning, marketing, strategic management, Intellectual property to protect own right,finance management etc.

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