Thursday, July 11, 2013

Alleged Singapore child abuse at NTUC First Campus

In the recent Singapore hot topic is the alleged child abuse at NTUC First Campus. A lot of news, comments, suggestion and argument were flying in the internet world.

The News ->
The Suggestion ->
The Argument and comment - >
The original video - >
Youtube video -
Another Witness statement - >

In my view will be more concern on the capability of the staff in teaching the special need students. Do the special need student need to have more resources to take care? Do the teaching staff know that the boy is a special need student and need to pay more attention and patient to it? Do the parent declare the child condition during the registration? Is the staff trained to teach the special need students?

In normal circumstances, most of the parents do not want their child to be "treated specially" and declare as normal in the health declaration. This will causes the delay in the treatment and affect the child learning progress.

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