Wednesday, July 11, 2007

No Coffee and Tea for Me

Can feel my heart beat faster in the last 4 days. This morning wake up and decided to see the doctor before any serious sickness happen to me. The doctor very experience, after telling her the symptom, she quickly ask me do i take coffee or tea i the last few days. Indeed, when i was in Australia, everyday at least drink one latte, sometime 3 cups. and is a must for my breakfast. In Singapore i do not drink coffee for my breakfast and seldom drink coffee. In Australia because of the cold weather, need something to keep me warm.

Then the doctor examine my heart and measure my blood pressure. She advise me to stop any coffee and tea, the symptom should be away in Saturday if not i have to see her again. The heart beat fast may be the cause of accumulative of caffeine in my body.

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