Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Day 1 in Melbourne

On 17 Jun 07 night, my group consist of 4 young guys and 2 young gals plus 1 staffs took SQ airplane in Changi Terminal 2 and left to Melbourne for our 3 weeks global exchange programme training.

On 18 Jun 830am, we arrived at Melbourne Airport, Ms Melanie, the project coordinator was already there to welcome us. We were sent to our hostel to put our barang barang. The room for each of us is small. Inside the room there is one single bed, one table, one chair, one 24 inch TV and one cupboard.

Around 12pm, Ms Melanie brought us to lunch in one of the Vietnam Restaurant and after the meal we went to the Institute for an Orientation tour. In Australia,the night arrive early. At about 6pm the sky is almost dark - almost like 9pm in Singapore. Whole group of us went around to look for cheapest food and aha, the pizza near the 7-11 had promotion. One Regular pizza plus long garlic bread and 1.25l coke selling A$10.60. We all having the pizza then went to shopping for daily utilities.

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