Thursday, April 12, 2007

Second Chance

Everyone will make a mistake and need others to give them a second chance to amend it. Today receive a sms indicate that J is in 24 months probation. Before he got this sentence by court, he already been retained in the remand prison for 3 weeks. It will be a nightmare to him being staying in the cell for so long. His parents and lawyer already have prepared for the worst but in the end J is given a second chance to amend his mischief behaviour and serious offences that he had make.
He had committed a few very serious offences during the last December vacation, steal motorcycle stickers, assault foreign workers and break into secondary school to steal stationary and uniform. He has confessed all the offences in front of me after being retained by the police for a week and released after bill out waiting for the court sentence. He indicated that he did not physically involve but just stand aside to watch his ex-secondary friend doing. He wanted me to help him to write a good report on his behaviour in school.
Last week a probation officer called me and asked for my verbal report on J behaviour. I just stated all the facts and in fact he is quite a responsible, good leadership and receive the merit award for his good academic result. He also told his story to his classmates and advise them not to do any silly things. I think with all my positive and strong statement partially help him to get a lighter sentence. Hopefully he could turn over a new leaf.

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