Thursday, February 01, 2007

Midicine given by Private Clinic

This morning wake up at 6am and intended to go to work. After taking breakfast, the cough start to be non-stop. Finally decided to see doctor and sms inform colleagues and section head.

Have copied down the medicine given by the polyclinic so that the private clinic doctor Dr Ng know what are the medicines i have been take for the past 1 month.

8 Jan - EXPECTORANT DIPHENHYDRAMINE - to express the cough (cost < $15)
16 Jan - PROMETHAZINE CODEINE CO LINCTUS for suppressive cough and ERYTHROMYCIN SUCCINATE for antibiotic. (cost <$15)

Today the private clinic Dr Ng given me

CHLORPHENIRAMINE 4MG - for flu, running nose
AMOXICLAV 625MG(AUGMENTIN) - antibiotics
COLINCTUS/ZENMOLIN1:1 - cough syrup (cost $40)

Have been seeing Dr Ng since my army days. A very good doctor that will explain the medicine that she prescript to me. Will also advise on type of food to avoid. Will auto measure the blood pressure and she know my family as we had once whole family visit her clinic. Her clinic only open for the morning session. Had not been visit the clinic sine April 2005. That time also the prolong cough and the doctor had cured it.

The only thing that make us visit polyclinic than to see private clinic doctor is the polyclinic is only located near my flat. Just 30 seconds walking distance but Dr Ng clinic is 5 mins walk. Polyclinic is cheaper than private clinic.

After seeing the doctor i also went to HPB that to have a x-ray examination so as to confirm that my lung is ok but the result will only be out in 2 weeks time.

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