Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Long meeting

Today early in the morning 8am meeting till 930am. Then 130pm project meeting till 4pm and lastly 4pm meeting till 6.30pm. Most of my time are spend in the meeting. Not productive.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Better and Transparent Fixed Deposit Rate

Most of the local bank that display their time deposit rate in the website are not transparent and the rate they offered are not attractive. They will only lat you know their "promotion" rate which is a better rate over the counter. Finally found a bank that put their "real" time deposit rate on the website. Think they are one of the best rate in Singapore.

Saturday, February 24, 2007

STI break new record

Today STI hit above 3310 points record high. Will it be going up again ? But all my old stock still sink far below my buying price. Hopefully there is a chance for me to sell all the lousy old stock away before the bear come.

Friday, February 23, 2007

Phd Course Completed

Got a New Year Greeting from youngest brother in USA and known that he has passed his Phd in Wireless Communication. He will be back to Singapore at the end of April after the convocation.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Luck in the year of Pig

Steven send me a web site to see my luck in the year of Pig.
Not a very good year for me in term of luck, career, wealth, health, love... almost everything is bad for me. This year must be very careful. The very first bad thing is my health - cough till now still not recover.

Chest X-Ray report

Last Friday went to polyclinic to get the chest X-Ray Report. There is nothing wrong with my lung but my cough still persist. The doctor asked me to wait for 3 to 4 weeks time to see is the condition improve if not she will refer me to see ENT (Ear, Nose and Throat) Specialist. Now is waiting time and hopefully i no need to see the specialist.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Taxpayer Survey

Have received a survey from IRAS. Below is a copy of the letter.

Dear Sir/Madam,

Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore (IRAS) Taxpayer Survey
The Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore (IRAS) has commissioned ML Research Consultants Pte Ltd to conduct a Taxpayer Survey to ascertain taxpayers' satisfaction with IRAS' services and obtain feedback on IRAS' policies, regulations and services.
You have been randomly selected from IRAS' database to participate in the survey. As your feedback is important to us, we would appreciate it if you can set aside some time to complete this survey. The survey should take no more than 15 minutes to complete. Please be assured that all responses will be kept in the strictest confidence. Findings will only be reported on a group basis and your anonymity is assured. There is no right or wrong answer to the questions and we hope that you will give us your frank feedback.
Please send your completed questionnaire to ML Research Consultants using the pre-paid reply envelope by 28 February 2007. Alternatively, you may also return the completed questionnaire by fax to ML Research Consultants at Fax : +65 xxxxxxxx.
If you require any assistance in completing the questionnaire, please contact Ms Melisa Xie or Mr David Effendi from ML Research Consultants Pte Ltd at Tel: +65 xxxxxxxx or email your queries to
We thank you for your support and contribution to this survey.
Yours sincerely
Chiam xxx xxxx (Miss)
Quality Service Manager
Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore

Friday, February 16, 2007

With Trouble

Today a girl told me she wanted to transfer to other class and i asked for reason. She said that there was a misunderstood between her and group of girls. She felt stress and wanted to get out of this class. I told her this is not a solution to her problem. Going to anothere class will not solve her problem and she might faced the same trouble and different type of stress. She need to know new friends and get into the gang. I also have advised from the senior that this girl already having some psychological or emotional unstable. She is too sensitive to certain topics and may also be an attention seeker. As i am a male and not professional counsellor, i refer her to the campus professional counsellor and hopefully she may find an answer from the professional.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

IE title bar again

Today met Mechanical staff and he told me the obscene word appear again in the IE title bar. Advise him to delete the user account and re-create new user, the problem solve.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

First Batches Graduate

Yesterday chatted with Angeline and come to know that this coming Friday is her last day in IA. After that she will be looking for a full time job. The rest of them that not in IA will be having their final year exam after Chinese New Year. Time fly fast, the first batch of 'N' level MMT graduate will be graduate with a diploma. They are also my first batch students to teach when i join the school. Good Luck to them and hope they manage to find a good job.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Union Food

Last week had used the credit card points to redeem abalone for the Chinese New Year Union food and the bird nest for parents for their cough. Each abalone required 600 points and $38 cash. The bird nest required 600 points and $25. Dont know whether it is too expensive to buy it from credit card company.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Thai Temple

Yesterday Anthony called me to go to Bukit Merah Thai Temple to pray. Recently his luck is really bad and since then he started to believe in praying to bring in good luck, protection and peace. I have never been there so i agreed and met him at 5pm in the Temple.
In the temple, we start offering incense sticks to all the buddha there. After offering, someone that is very fit say hello to me. I look at him and started to recall that he is my ex-airforce friend and now he is a diving instructor. He told me he every week will come to this Thai temple to pray, sitting there and enjoy the wind blow. Every year he will be going back to Thailand, Korat village to visit a temple monk and meet some of his friends in Thai. He say the mentally of the people in Korat has changed but the buildings and roads there not much changes. He will be going back to Thailand again in this coming March. After chatting a while he need to attend some personal thing and went off. Then to my surprise and i saw him driving a new grey colur sport car. I am happy for him to do very well in his diving school business.

Change the IE Title Bar Text

Friday afternoon, Roy come and look for me. He is belong to mechanial section, he asked is there any method able to restore the computer harddisk into its original stage. I suggest to him to ghost the whole harddisk and the ghost image able to restore the computer. This help to save the times needed to reformatting the whole harddisk, reinstall OS and all software.
When we reach the laboratory, there is additional problem in the computer. Someone has altered the IE Title Bar Text with four letter word "suck" and no one able to solve it. I search in the internet and found a solution - >[Start] [Run] [Regedit] and search the word "suck". The word is hide in the Internet Explorer>main>window title. I delete the word and run IE again, the word disappear from the title bar.

i also found vbscript able to change the title bar. The program code as follow :

'chgietitle.vbs - Change Title bar text in IE
'or restores to default value of Microsoft Internet Explorer

Option Explicit
'Declare variables
Dim WSHShell, n, MyBox, p, p1, t, cn, Caption
'set variables and Shell
Set WSHShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
p = "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\Window Title"
p1 = "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\Window Title"
t = "Change IE Title Bar Text"
Caption = "Would you like to use the default" & vbCR
Caption = Caption & "value of Microsoft Internet Explorer?"
'This section reads the current value if any and puts it in an Input Box
'where you may change it as you like for Internet Explorer
'adds/changes keys in HKCU
MyBox = MsgBox(Caption, 4131, t)
If MyBox = vbCancel Then
ElseIf MyBox = vbNo Then
On Error Resume Next
n = WSHShell.RegRead(p)
On Error Goto 0
cn = InputBox("Type new Title Text and click OK", t, n)
If cn <> "" then
WSHShell.RegWrite p, cn
WSHShell.RegWrite p1, cn
End If
ElseIf MyBox = vbYes Then
WSHShell.RegDelete p
WSHShell.RegDelete p1
End If

Monday, February 05, 2007

Cough still not recover

Tonight will be taking the last antibiotic pill, but the cough still not recover. Hate the cough..... dont know why every year i need to suffer the long long cough. Now the chest pain is in the middle of the ribs, cannot cough out loud and hard. It is pianful. Hai really a torture and suffering cough.

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Buddhist Song

Yesterday went out with Anthony in PS and he introduced a friend Tony to me. Tony also a graduate from BMVI. Then we started to chat. During the chat then i know Anthony has quited his STE job as it did not provide much training plus need to have more output. Currently he is looking for a job. I told him if he don't mind about the pay, he should not have any problem in looking for a job in these few weeks as the current job market is good and more people are resigned after getting the bonus.
Anthony wanted to buy a DECT phone. After looking at the BEST Denki shop we decided to go to Liang Court Audio shop to look for more variety. Along the way walking there, i met Thomas, Ex PSA colleague with his girl friend. He is still working in IBM. Without chatting much with him, we walk to Audio house. In Audio house, there is much lesser DECT model available to choose.
Then we went to ChinaTown to have our dinner and walk to see the street shops to feel the New Year mood. While walking, we were all being attracted by a very light and peacefully Buddhist song, sang by 黄思婷 in her album 自由. I use to think that Buddhist song is only the music or chanting. But after listening to her song have changed my thinking.

Friday, February 02, 2007

Feel better

After taking the medicine, i feel much more better today. The chest pain has reduced significantly. Think partially i have enough of rest plus the medicines are effective.

Wednesday night saw my Singapore Project Lecture Mr Steven on the TV show to explain and demonstrate how the CPU can cook an egg and why the cooking oil will not damage the motherboard but can help to lower down the heat of the motherboard. It has been more than 10 years since i graduated from there and he still look the same. His voice still so gentle and he will never get angrily easily.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Midicine given by Private Clinic

This morning wake up at 6am and intended to go to work. After taking breakfast, the cough start to be non-stop. Finally decided to see doctor and sms inform colleagues and section head.

Have copied down the medicine given by the polyclinic so that the private clinic doctor Dr Ng know what are the medicines i have been take for the past 1 month.

8 Jan - EXPECTORANT DIPHENHYDRAMINE - to express the cough (cost < $15)
16 Jan - PROMETHAZINE CODEINE CO LINCTUS for suppressive cough and ERYTHROMYCIN SUCCINATE for antibiotic. (cost <$15)

Today the private clinic Dr Ng given me

CHLORPHENIRAMINE 4MG - for flu, running nose
AMOXICLAV 625MG(AUGMENTIN) - antibiotics
COLINCTUS/ZENMOLIN1:1 - cough syrup (cost $40)

Have been seeing Dr Ng since my army days. A very good doctor that will explain the medicine that she prescript to me. Will also advise on type of food to avoid. Will auto measure the blood pressure and she know my family as we had once whole family visit her clinic. Her clinic only open for the morning session. Had not been visit the clinic sine April 2005. That time also the prolong cough and the doctor had cured it.

The only thing that make us visit polyclinic than to see private clinic doctor is the polyclinic is only located near my flat. Just 30 seconds walking distance but Dr Ng clinic is 5 mins walk. Polyclinic is cheaper than private clinic.

After seeing the doctor i also went to HPB that to have a x-ray examination so as to confirm that my lung is ok but the result will only be out in 2 weeks time.