Friday, December 22, 2006

Credit Card Good or Evil ?

Are credit cards or plastic money good or evil ? Below are my analysis :

Good :
  1. Convenient medium of exchange. Able to carry less cash and hence no risk losing cash especially travel or tour.
  2. Discount booklet. Every month there is a discount booklet accompany with the monthly statement of account. It help to save some cash.
  3. Reward points earned. Each dollar spent enables holder to accumulate points that able to exchange vouchers or gift.
  4. Interest Free period. Able to let holder to spend first and pay later without charges interest. Usually up to 55 days.
  5. Free Insurance coverage when buy air ticket using credit card.

Evil :

  1. Promotion always have the "term and condition".
  2. Merchants levy administrative charge when using credit card which usually happen in booking of tour package.
  3. Payment of annual subscription fee.
  4. Interest rate up to 24% per annual if the purchase amount is not pay fully.
  5. Easily tempted to over spend.

It is important to ask yourself a few questions before owning credit card

  • Should i need a credit card ?
  • Will i easily tempted to spend beyond my mean?
  • Am i able to fully pay the purchase every month ?
  • How many credit card do i need ?
  • Am i able to use each card sufficiently to waive the subscription fee?

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