Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Relationship Between Technologies and Physical Health

Over the years, the advancement of the technologies are making human life more comfortable and convenience. However misuse it will damage the human health.

For example using of headphone.  Headphone is a pair of small loud speaker that is designed to be inserted or worn around the ears and allow single user to listen to the sound privately without disturbing others.

Scientist had researched there is no relationship in using the headphone that can cause hearing loss in the working environment eg help desk while the operator need to wear headphone while answering the phone queries from the customers. (ref -

There is another research indicated that repeated exposure to loud sound and music can cause hearing loss. (ref - and

Therefore the safety usage of technologies depend on how is the devices being used and how long will it be used.

Recently a few technology companies have come out the Virtual Reality glasses and aim to let the education or school teachers and students to experience the different experiences in the learning environment. It may be a good learning experience for the students but it may cause health hazard to the students if being prolong exposure to the glasses. The possible health hazard are radiation and vision problems. There need to be a research study on the using of the VR glasses and the impact on the human body health before the glasses being widely use in the world wide.

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