Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Singapore Dementia Medical Cost Part 1

What is dementia?

According to http://www.singhealth.com.sg/PatientCare/ConditionsAndTreatments/Pages/Dementia.aspx

Dementia is the medical term used to describe a group of symptoms consisting of memory loss, impaired judgement, disorientation and behavioural changes, which are of sufficient severity to cause loss of function. 

In May 2012, my father had a sudden behaviour changes and sudden low blood pressure due to over dosage of medicine as he had forgotten that he had taken the medicine and retake again. His Systolic measurement is 80mmHg. Immediately we send him to hospital A&E for emergency treatment.

The hospital bill is $99 after government grant.

Apart from the normal laboratory check, the doctor had also conducted the CT scan on brain and discover there were 3 minor old stroke in the brain. The doctor unable to reveal when is the minor stroke occur. The CT scanning is not part of the A&E package and needed to pay separately.

The CT scan cost $224.05

After the confirmation of the causes, my father was refer to see 2 different specialist doctor, 1 is neural for the brain and one is for stroke. The duty doctor had prescribe the blood thinning medicine to my father for prevention of stroke again.

So the total cost is $323.05.

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