Thursday, October 25, 2007

The human brain tricks us whenever it can Part 1

Have received a few illusion picture from friends. Quite interesting.

If see something‘s rotating – go home, you need a break!


These few night having nightmare. Dream about doing the wrong things and got management angry. Think there is alot of stress recently. Must learnt how to relax.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Why so playful?

Youth are very playful and mischievous. Sometime these behaviour will cause them to regret for the rest of their life. Today one female trainee look very worry and need someone to talk to. As i am the one that look very trustful and been helping alot of youth so she decided to approach me for some advises. During the last holiday, due to her mischievous, she was caught red handed together with her friend and being charged under penal code S381. On that day in the confinement cell, she was so frightened till cry for hours and after bail out she was not able to sleep well and dare not to stay out late.. She is so worry that she might get jail.

Down Town East Gathering

Yesterday received a call from Winnie, my ex trainee invited me for gathering and BBQ at Down Town East in next week. This is the third time in three years time she invited me since after she graduated. Is it a thank you of me being train her and never give up hope in her ? She may not be the best trainee in the class but she is a person that remember the staff.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007


Yesterday met YY and found out reason why he quit.
From the conversation, there are 3 reasons :
1. Bad relationship with his immediate female boss. He felt she is incapable, only know how to arrow but not doing her own duty.
2. Wanted to have more freedom in doing his "quality" but not "quantity" education work. For those that in education sector will know what i mean. He already manage to gap an job in the private education sector to fulfill his dream.
3. Disappointed with the system.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Friend's update

Have recently call/meet up some old friends, got some bad and god news. Below is the summary list :

YY - A primary school Chinese teacher will be resigned on Dec. Quite surprising and will meeting him today to know the details.
SL - Will be father soon. Baby delivery in Dec
GH - Have resigned this month and started a new career with pay cut of more than 25%.
WC - His baby girl just born on 12 Oct
Alicia - His brother just passed away last week after a long hospitalise with high medical bill. Is a blessing or ??
Alex Cheong - Have change a new job from project officer into properly agent.

Friends need to be keep in contact if not you will lose them.

Friday, October 12, 2007

29 inches flat TV

I do not understand why whenever i am on holiday, my home electronic appliances will be spoilt. Last holiday is my electric kettle and this holiday is my 29" flat TV. Yesterday afternoon while my mum watching TV, suddenly there is a light splash appear on the TV screen and the very next moment, my whole house no electricity. Immediately i ask my mum to off the TV power . I go and check my in house circuit breaker but it did not pop. To play safe, i pull all the circuit breaker to off mode. Then i go outside and check the HDB main circuit breaker and it pop. So i reset it to on and slowly on my in hose circuit breaker one at a time to see any other power point causes the circuit breaker pop. All of them are working fine and i can confidently told my dad and mum that the TV is the one causes the power failure.
In order to make the main circuit breaker pop, the electric current must be very high and there is some where in the house causes it short circuit. To convince them, i show them the plug and there is a burn mark on it.

Next i dismantle the plug and it confirm there is high current passes through the copper and burn it. If i am not around and they continue turn on the TV set, i do not know what will happen to the house.