Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Internet Transaction Error

Today morning, 930am i have used the Internet to book the Genting - Theme Park Hotel using credit card. I have stayed in the Genting, Resort and First World hotel but have not tried the Theme Park Hotel. Booking in Internet is quite smooth initially, when it come to the last part - payment and confirmation of booking, the error occurred and indicate i need email to them. To my horror, immediately i called my credit card issuer (UOB) to check the status. The customer officer, an Indian guy answer my queries and confirm transaction of $$$ is success. I was not happy with this Indian guy service attitude. I request him to speak louder as his voice is too soft plus the voice tone not use to it. In the end his voice is loud but the tone is angry.
Next i call Genting worldcard Singapore branch, a Chinese guy with not so good English answer and confirm the booking of hotel is not successful. The $$ will be refund to me. To double confirm, i email to Malaysia eGenting Worldcard . The answer from them (Chris) is the same but in addition he advised me to use another credit card to try booking again. I have lost confident in their website. i just gone down to the tour agent and book the package.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Retirement Age.

What is my target retirement age ?? There is no real answer to it. 10+ years ago,i though of only when i have $300K that is strike the first prize Toto (that time Totofirst prize minimum is $300K) then i can no need to work for the rest of my life. But now $300K is nothing and i think i will need to have $2 million then i can shake leg and to enjoy a real retirement. Maybe after 10+ year, $2 million also not enough. So how can i retire ?

Friday, September 14, 2007

Discipline vs Counsel

What is discipline ?

1. Training to ensure proper behavior : the practice or methods of teaching and enforcing acceptable patterns of behavior
2. Order and control : a controlled orderly state, especially in a class of schoolchildren.

What is counsel ?
1. Advise somebody to do something : to advise somebody on a particular course of action
2. Advise somebody on personal problems: to give somebody advice and support on personal or psychological matters, usually in a professional context

If a school rule is break, do the student need to be counselled or discipline ? Base on the above explanation, a discipline action should be carried out but most of the school will use counseling method instead. It has mixed out the true meaning of counseling and discipline. Is this the cause of more and more youngster committed crime which related to they did not get any disciplinary punishment when they break the school rules and regulation.

Sunday, September 02, 2007

Father Birthday Celebration at Central

Today is my father birthday celebration. My sister has booked two table set meal at the Tung Lok Signatures - Central. The atmosphere there is nice. It gave us a feeling that it is a high class restaurant. The foods and services were good. There are only 2 disappointment, first is the number 6th dishes - "Simmered Seasonal Vegetables with Needle Mushrooms and Conpoy Crisps". The serving portion is too much, all of us cannot finished because it is all vegetables (see the photo). The appearance of the vegetable gave us an impression that this is a "cheap" food. Second disappointment, there is no toilet in the restaurant. We need to walk a big round to outside wash room.