Wednesday, April 18, 2007

IPPT 18 Apr

Yesterday very early went to bed at 830pm because today having IPPT. This morning wake up at 330am, went to toilet and continue with my sleep till 530am. Wake up feel head very giddy, spinning, with this condition i got a feeling today will fail.
Taking my breakfast and out of the home at 615am. I need to report to TAB which is near Jalan Bahar at 720am. Reached BoonLay station and exit in the wrong direction causing a delay but fortunately able to catch the 172 bus in time. In the bus i saw one NSF which is so fat that he one person is being occupied almost the bus seat. The person that sat beside him unable to tolerate the squeeze, finally decided to stand. When i saw this i begin to woder why the fatty soldier did not care about his diet. Don't he know that his BMI is very high and alot of illness is associate with the fat in his body.
When i reached TAB at 720am, i need to undergo a very tight security check. They check on my SAR 100 only because i am reporting only in PT attire which is T-shirt and short that show 90% of my sexy leg with wallet and key chain in the pocket. I left my hand phone at home because the camera phone is not allow in the camp if not it has to be deposited in the guardroom which is 200m away from the main gate.
After the gate, went to the gym to mark attendance and took the number tag. Over there already saw a long queue of all the ICT and no-ICT NSmen. Met alot of my ex air force friend and we started to chat. The IPPT started at 8am. The PTI, conducting officer, supervising officer and medic all need to brief on the rule, regulation and safety thing. After that the PTI detailed our team to go for the board jump first.
I able to score well in all station except for chin up only get D. The last station is 2.4Km run. The route in TAB changed again but it is better than the last year 2.4km route. This year i score 12.08 as compare to last year 13.15. Overall i have passed IPPT and can relax till next year.

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