Wednesday, December 13, 2006


What is telemarketing ? It is selling or promoting goods and services by telephone. Within this year, i have been received quite a number of telemarketing from banks till i know how to handle them. Yesterday morning again i receive a phone call from telemarketer. Below is our conversation.

Telemarketer : Good Morning. Can i speak to KC ?
KC : Yes speaking. (Wonder who is that lady ?)
Telemarketer : I am Jasmine calling from vwxy bank. Currently our bank has a promotion on credit financial plan that charge a lower interest rate in loan as compare to other bank. Are you interested ?
KC : No. I do not need any loan. (Start to wonder how the bank know me as i have no account or any contact with this bank.)
Telemarketer : How's about our credit card that come with 1 year free subscription ?
KC : ( I am start to angry as my handphone is not incoming call free) No, i dont need as i have alot of credit cards. Your bank offer is not attractive as compare to other bank that offer me life time membership free.
Telemarketer : OK. Thank you for your time. Bye.

I am really hate all these telemarketer in wasting my time and money (my handphone bill). To me if the bank really wanted to promote their product, they can just simply write to me instead of calling me. I dont really trust the person over the phone and claim he/she represent the bank or any organisation.

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