Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Stories that i wanted to tell the boss III

In my previous company there was a Executive Vice President who was very energetic, idealistic and alot of passion in doing the jobs. Whenever there are new projects or initiatives, he will always get hold of it and throw all these projects back to his sub-ordinates to do it. Initially he will always look back and make sure that his men were able to follow his footsteps. After sometimes he took things for granted and never look back. He continiues make new initiatives, continues get hold of big project and throw all the project to his men. At the end of the year, when he look back, he discovered that there were no one follow him, all the projects are laying down on the floor.
The moral of this story is do not take things for granted. Employees are human not machines. They have their limtitation, they cannot work for 24 hours non-stop. Always look back and get feedback from them. Ensure that they are able to follow the pace of the progression.

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