Monday, December 04, 2006

Lao Tzu Quotes

Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach him how to fish and you feed him for a lifetime. Do the education system teach the students how to ? Most of the education system in the world not only need to teach them a skill (technical, special), which is a fishing rods (tools), at the same time they also teach them the soft skills, the communication skill, the marketing, the human resource management and presentation skills etc are the how to catch the fish(get a job). Most of the students know the importance or value of these life skill modules only after they graduate from the schools(Institution, Poly, University etc).

1 comment:

fu_heng8 said...

the quote is good, but most of our next generation is very poor in the technical knowledge. I visited many school, my technical friend quoted that the kids are over pampered, e.g. if a kettle spoilt due to a plug problem, they may just change a new kettle for a solution.