Saturday, December 02, 2006

Expo - Sitex and Warehouse Sales

This afternoon went to EXPO with Steven. Expo now is having two events, John Little warehouse Sales and Sitex. Steven wanted to buy some clothing in the warehouse Sales. He chooses a number of clothings while i looking at the pants. The "Valentino" pants looking nice and cheap. I chooses a few but too bad there is no changing room for me to try and the queue to the cashier is very long. I estimate each row will have 40 to 50 people waiting to pay money (pay $$ still need to queue and wait for hours, what the ....). So i give up the ideas of buying the items. Luckily Steven found his friend there that waiting for his wife in shopping, he willing to give steven a favour by helping him queue and pay for the items . He will then send the clothing to Steven home.
Later Steven and I went to Sitex. It was also very crowded. We only aim for register the free wireless access which also giving out free gift, webcam and a few other freebies. Steven left at 515pm while i still in the queue. After i registered, i walk around to see see look look but too crowded till i give up after 10 mins loitering in there.
I left at 615pm and arrive at Akira warehouse Sales at 715pm. There also alot of people. I quickly go to look for the electric iron, cost only $8.90, pay cash and out to go home. I really hate to be squeezed in the crowd if not for saving $$, i will try to avoid all these crowded place.

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