Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Entrepreneur, Technopreneur, Cyberpreneur

A lot of new terms come out in this new age. So what's the differences ?

Entrepreneur is risk-taking businessperson: somebody who initiates or finances new commercial enterprises

Technopreneur having an advantage on the mastery of the technology element besides possessing good business acumen.

A cyberpreneur is defined as “an entrepreneur with the skills and mindset to deal with the knowledge economy”.

Why need to encourage all these Entrepreneur, Technopreneur and Cyberpreneur? In my opinion, one possible reasons as follow :

1. Cutdown jobless rate. As more and more manufacturer company shift their base to China, there will be more and more people jobless. It may become a potential social problem to a country. Hence by encouraging the Entrepreneur, Technopreneur and Cyberpreneur, it will cut down the jobless rate.

How to encourage Entrepreneur, Technopreneur and Cyberpreneur?

The best way is in the education system. Current education system do not teach their students on how to setup a business. It will be a high learning curve or deter for those students that wanted to setup business. Hence in my opinion, the tertiary education systems should include the following modules in their programme :

1. How to register a company ? Differences between partner, private limited, or limited.
2. How to write a business plan ?
3. How to get financial help from various organisation ?
4. How to do marketing for the products or services ?
5. How to do import and export business ?
6. How to manage the account eg the balance sheet, GST rebate etc ?
7. What are the business law needed to follow ?

I believed that all the above topics are essential knowledge for a person to setup a business. Without knowing all those things, they may need to take more times to get to know the "how to" and hence may deter the momentum of doing the business.

1 comment:

fu_heng8 said...

I am one of the gunine pig of this enterpreneurship.
a. if you are sick of the boring/rigid life in big company, b. if you have enough saving,
c. salary is not a issue to you but don't over-spent.
d. if you are single or your spouse can support you,
e. if you like to explore new things with internet.
AND if you know how to control your budget, then go ahead and jump in.