Friday, October 15, 2021

Gastroscopy and Colonoscopy Cost at Alexandra Hospital

 Last Year I have done my Gastroscopy and Colonoscopy at Singapore Alexandra hospital due to no appetite and sudden loss of weight for > 10%. Doctor advised to do endoscopy only as it only need to do fasting and can be done earlier as compare to colonoscopy that need to do a clean bowel procedure. 

I counter propose to do Gastroscopy and Colonoscopy together to have a thorough check on my digetive system since it is using the same operating theatre and facilities. 

The doctor agreed the proposal and had arranged the procedure at the later date for both scope.

Attach is the cost at the Alexandra Hospital after the government subsidise for their citizen.

As compare to private hospital, there is a huge differences in the hospital charging

Gastroscopy and Colonoscopy Cost

Monday, October 11, 2021

Gastroscopy and Colonoscopy Diagnostic Package Cost at Gleneagles Hospital

 Recently my wife had his gastric pain for several months. So we decided to consult a specialist at Gleneagles Medical Centre. The consultant was very detail in explain the possible causes and recommended my wife to do a thorough check on the stomach and also colonoscopy. As we are insure with insurance and the doctor is also the panel doctor recommended by the insurance company, the cost will be covered by the insurance company. 

For patient that want to do the gastroscopy and colonoscopy in Gleneagles Hospital, you may take the below bill as a reference for your budgeting.

Gastroscopy and Colonoscopy Cost