Friday, April 01, 2016

Multiple Car Park Fees Charge in Wilson Parking using NETS FlashPay

There is an unreliable of car park fees collected in using the Wilson Parking. On 19 Mar 2016, I am using the NETS flashpay function to pay the fess to exit the car park. However, there is a long duration for the system to lift up the barrier. By then I already suspect that there might be system glitch in the car park system. I went to the nearly  NETS terminal to print the receipt and to my horror, the NETS is charging me 4 times. If I am not alert and did not goto check, I might not know that the system is not so reliable. Hopefully this blog could alert all the driver that the car park system is not 100% reliable and is a good habit to check the transaction that had been made in your store value card.