Friday, August 28, 2015

Sentences to use in audit reply

Some quality quote that can be used for audit reply :

1. "Although there was no evidence of dishonesty, the xxx 'position' concerned has taken personal responsibility for these lapses and resigned from his position."

2. "'organisation/department' acknowledges our shortcomings in this area and has taken immediate steps to enhance compliance,"

3."As a xxxx managing yyyyy funds, zzzz takes our financial governance seriously."

4."We have taken swift and decisive action to put things right immediately. "

5.“We can fault for their non-compliance of financial procedures, but please do not doubt them in their passion and commitment in always doing their best for the community/organisation,”

6. "Good intentions, not dishonesty"

"By having multiple layers of checks and transparency, we ensure a high level of vigilance over the integrity of our financial management," 

8. "We must continue to maintain a sensible balance of rules, subject ourselves to regular and thorough audit, and take thorough enforcement actions whenever necessary."

9. “I can say with confidence there is no irregularity at the system level.”