Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Failed to Received OCBC and DBS SMS OTP on 10 Nov 2014

Yesterday 10 Nov 2014, I was doing internet banking at 945pm. To my amaze that I am not able to receive both bank, OCBC and DBS SMS OTP. The SMS OTP was delayed till 11 Nov 0848hr then send to my handphone.

This had made me wonder
1) are both bank using the same OTP SMS provider ?or
2) are both bank using same telco provider?
3) why only 848hr then I receive the SMS? Is it at 8am (working hour) then they discover the system fault?

I have tried to use my own handphone to send SMS to my phone and able to receive the message.

Another worry is that the technical fault in the system was not discovered early to resolve.
Is the alert system in the system not robust enough that it is not able to inform the system administrator? Or the alert system and the SMS system are using the same gateway and hence the technical support unable to receive the faulty message? The contingency plan in the internet banking will need to be enhanced and the downtime of the system for almost 12 hours is not acceptable.